Software development company that delivers

We enable progressive businesses to transform, scale and gain competitive advantage, through the expert delivery of innovative, tailor-made software.

Media and entertainment

Produce, market, and distribute your content with higher efficiency

We give Media and Entertainment companies powerful tools for maximizing revenues while reaching and engaging audiences across all available channels. From film studios to streaming services to online publishers, our solutions enable companies to implement more efficient digital content strategies.


Automate healthcare workflows and expand your reach with digital

Our company offers custom software development services that help doctors distribute more personalized care to individuals and influence the lifestyle of entire communities. Oxagile has already built solutions used in practice management, patient engagement, rehabilitation, immunization, and more.

Banking and finance

Invest in your clients’ confidence with next-level user experience and cutting-edge fintech

Oxagile helps companies boost operational efficiency and user retention via innovative FinTech solutions and mobile apps. Give your customers the five-star treatment they deserve by offering new types of online services underpinned by robust security.


Disrupt the classroom experience, stay flexible, reduce operational costs

Oxagile has delivered dozens of educational technology projects to Fortune 500 companies as well as midsize businesses and start-ups around the world. Businesses rely on Oxagile to develop software for education and personnel training that provides universal availability and greater learning efficiency.

Client acquisition

Advertise more efficiently, automate routine tasks, predict performance with machine learning

Adtech is the new black in the advertising industry, and our experts know how to use its benefits to your advantage. Use our custom software development expertise to unlock precise ad targeting, provide smart budgeting tools, and improve the yield of advertising campaigns.

Marketing technology

Get tangible results from your marketing strategy, fast

Every product is in some way unique. Oxagile combines the latest of marketing technology with meticulous research to help clients step up the impact of their marketing campaigns, anticipate customer behavior, and reap bigger rewards.

A truly tailored approach

Staying on schedule, scaling the team, ensuring product quality — Oxagile helps you keep track of crucial details without losing sight of the bigger picture.

Custom software development

Full-cycle software development company

The team’s technical excellence takes you halfway to success. At Oxagile, we understand that a solid grasp of your business domain and mature development approach are equally critical. Over the years, we have enriched and optimized our system development life cycle and software engineering skills to arrive at a predictable process that allows teams to minimize risks and cut costs. We place a high value on transparency and extensive communication to make sure the needs and expectations of every client are met 100%.

Web application development

Highly reliable and scalable web applications

Our web applications are marked by a robust, scalable architecture that supports high performance requirements and ease of management without compromising security. Oxagile’s frontend team tops it all off with an intuitive UX and a polished UI designed to keep your users coming back.

Mobile application development

Building comprehensive mobile experiences

We develop powerful applications that provide a thrilling experience for your users and bring tangible value to your business. Whether native, hybrid, or cross-platform, our mobile development teams deliver solutions that run seamlessly on all major operating systems and thousands of various mobile devices.

Manual testing and QA

Quality assurance as a service

Rigorous testing and quality assurance help us deliver top-notch digital products, every time. Oxagile’s QA team of 40+ experts is there to guarantee you don’t lose precious time and money fixing issues that can be spotted early and deliver a smooth, bug-free experience to your users on all screens.

Test automation

End-to-end automated testing services

Oxagile’s AQA department comprises top test automation engineers with dozens of projects under their belt. Backed by an internal automation framework, we help you capitalize on the speed and precision of auto­mated tests — while drastically reducing time-to-market and boosting your testing effort ROI.

Dedicated development center

Managed development teams under a comprehensive program management

We offer managed remote teams as a flexible and cost-effective option for companies who aim to quickly augment development resources and improve ROI on their custom soft­ware development projects. Hire skilled development team, scale up with ease, and leave your deadline worries behind — we have you covered.

contact us

(+66) 097-202-2931

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Let the experts do the work for you so that you can focus on your business and not IT issues.